
Ubiminds Unveiled

Setting the Base Wage Rate for SaaS Expansion in Latin America: 4 Steps
Setting the Base Wage Rate for SaaS Expansion in Latin America: 4 Steps

As SaaS companies venture into new markets and talent pools, the art of setting the right ba...

Managing Absenteeism in Distributed Teams: Remote Work Strategies
Managing Absenteeism in Distributed Teams: Remote Work Strategies

As remote work became commonplace, absenteeism began to pose a significant challenge for dis...

Tackling Candidate Abandonment:  4 Steps for Effective Tech Recruitment Strategies for SaaS Expansion
Tackling Candidate Abandonment: 4 Steps for Effective Tech Recruitment Strategies for SaaS Expansion

One (very) annoying challenge plaguing tech recruitment processes for SaaS companies is the ...

Contact us: 5 Key People at Ubiminds you should meet
Contact us: 5 Key People at Ubiminds you should meet

Ubiminds is proud to have amazing team members. Smart, collaborative people who are business...

Share your story: Ubiminders tell us why they stick to their jobs
Share your story: Ubiminders tell us why they stick to their jobs

Considering Ubiminds as your next employer? Truth be told, software engineers (and every oth...

Collaborative Partnership: How HR and PeopleOps Can Maximize Software Teams' Potential through Ubiminds' Staff Augmentation
Collaborative Partnership: How HR and PeopleOps Can Maximize Software Teams' Potential through Ubiminds' Staff Augmentation

SaaS companies are constantly seeking ways to scale and innovate. HR and PeopleOps teams pla...

Unlocking Global Potential: Elevate Your SaaS Team with Ubiminds in Latin America
Unlocking Global Potential: Elevate Your SaaS Team with Ubiminds in Latin America

For those who build software products, scaling the team efficiently and effectively is cruci...

What does Ubiminds do and how much does it cost to hire software developers in Brazil?
What does Ubiminds do and how much does it cost to hire software developers in Brazil?

For years now, Ubiminds has stood out from other IT Staff Augmentation and Employer-of-Recor...

Paulo Ross, CEO, tells how US software companies are expanding to Brazil with Ubiminds
Paulo Ross, CEO, tells how US software companies are expanding to Brazil with Ubiminds

Located in Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Ubiminds leads the tech recruitment industry with...

What makes a company a great place to work?
What makes a company a great place to work?

[ez-toc] It has been a long time ago when pool tables and fridges full of free food were ...

Master Service Agreement (MSA) and Statement of Work (SOW): what are they and how are they applied in IT staff augmentation?
Master Service Agreement (MSA) and Statement of Work (SOW): what are they and how are they applied in IT staff augmentation?

Need to grow your product team and decided to hire foreign contractors? While it allows your...

Tech Leaders Speak Out: Experiences with Ubiminds in Latin American Tech Recruitment
Tech Leaders Speak Out: Experiences with Ubiminds in Latin American Tech Recruitment

Discover firsthand accounts from tech leaders about their experiences partnering with Ubimin...

How to establish a hiring strategy for software engineering positions - how Ubiminds supports its business partners
How to establish a hiring strategy for software engineering positions - how Ubiminds supports its business partners

They’re named as software engineers, but could easily be called gold. Software Engineers a...

Project Kickoff: how Ubiminds and you align expectations and get everyone set up for success
Project Kickoff: how Ubiminds and you align expectations and get everyone set up for success

So maybe you're pairing up with Ubiminds for the first time. Or you want to share your exper...

Why does Ubiminds do candidate screening and what for?
Why does Ubiminds do candidate screening and what for?

There is an unmentioned dread among tech leaders – including VPs, CTOs, and Directors of P...